What Are The 4 Causes Of Tooth Decay?

When plaque accumulates on the teeth, tooth decay happens. Bacteria produce plaque, a coating that sticks to the teeth and, if left untreated, eventually damages them. Cavities are tiny holes in the tooth enamel caused by the acids in plaque. The patient’s tooth could get infected and fall out as the process continues. Bad oral hygiene, poor eating habits, the position of the tooth, and stomach acid are only a few causes of tooth decay. We urge you to schedule a preventative appointment with us immediately if you suspect your child suffers from tooth decay. Tooth decay can be avoided with proper dental care, which includes frequent dental examinations, flossing, and brushing. 

  • Poor oral hygiene – By far poor oral hygiene is one of the key factors contributing to tooth decay. Plaque is removed by regularly brushing and flossing. Thus people must do both of these things completely and quickly. When plaque is left on the teeth for an extended period, it starts to eat away at the tooth enamel and eventually causes decay.
  • Bad dietary choices – Patients who regularly consume sticky or acidic meals and beverages are increasing their risk of developing tooth decay. Foods that adhere to teeth are challenging to get off, making them more likely to remain on the teeth long enough to develop decay. Acidic meals and beverages cover your teeth with decay-causing acids when you consume them frequently. It’s crucial to wash away these kinds of foods and beverages after consuming them by drinking lots of water, brushing, and flossing.
  • Location of the tooth – Your back molars are more prone to decay than any other teeth in your mouth. Why? Plaque frequently gets left behind when brushing and flossing because the teeth are more difficult to reach. Additionally, these teeth’s surfaces have numerous grooves, making it simpler for food particles to become lodged long enough to develop acids that damage enamel. Molar decay can be avoided by using dental sealants.
  • Stomach acid – Enamel on teeth cannot be replaced. Thus maintaining it is crucial. Fortunately, you may take the necessary precautions to safeguard your teeth by being aware of what might make you more susceptible to dental decay.

Who could develop a cavity?

Even though cavities are more common in youngsters, tooth decay can occur at any age. They might not wash their teeth thoroughly and eat and drink more sweet things. Even adults develop cavities around cavities that were filled when a youngster sometimes develops further deterioration. Gum recession is more prevalent in adults. This scenario exposes plastic that causes cavities in the lower portions of teeth.

It is recommended to have cavities treated as soon as possible if you or a loved one notices any symptoms of developing cavities because untreated cavities can lead to increased discomfort, infection, gum disease, or tooth loss. Give us a call at Sierra Springs Dental right away if your child needs to schedule a dental appointment.

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