What You Need To Know About Dental Composite Bonding

Composite bonding (sometimes also called “tooth bonding” or “dental bonding”) is a treatment option for minor tooth damage or gaps. Bonding is commonly used to repair chips, fractures, and gaps between teeth and cover discoloration. A composite resin is sculpted and glued to a tooth to restore its look. The resin is colour-matched to your teeth, giving the impression that it is a natural component of the tooth. Composite bonding might assist you in achieving a more pleasing smile.

What are the benefits of composite bonding?

  • Composite bonding can usually be completed in a single dental visit. It’s a quick and easy solution to address minor cosmetic flaws. As soon as the composite is applied, it is hardened using UV radiation, resulting in a renewed tooth that can safely be a bit down by the session’s conclusion.
  • Bonding is also a painless process. Crowns and veneers, for example, remove a portion of the tooth permanently. To apply composite bonding, the tooth’s surface needs to be roughened to aid the resin’s bonding, leaving the tooth’s structure intact.
  • Composite bonding can instantly improve the appearance of your smile without causing further damage to your teeth.
  • Composite bonding is a less costly option than crowns or veneers. It’s also a less intrusive procedure that takes only one appointment. Your composite bonds should endure for years if you brush regularly and maintain proper oral hygiene.

What is the treatment process of composite bonding?

Your Airdrie dentist will first choose a resin colour that matches your tooth to make the resin attachment look genuine. The surface of your tooth will then be slightly roughened in preparation for treatment. It will then be covered with a liquid that aids in the smooth adhesion of the resin. The resin will be applied and shaped into the desired shape. It’s hardened using UV light before your dentist in Airdrie reshapes and polishes it to fit the rest of the tooth.

Is dental bonding painful?

Dental bonding is usually painless because your dentist will not be working near the pain-sensing nerve inside your tooth. Sedation options are rarely required when dental bonding is performed. Following their dental bonding procedure, some people may suffer temporary sensitivity.

How do I care for my composite bond?

  • For 48 hours following the composite bonding procedure, avoid beverages that contain tannins, such as coffee and tea.
  • Brush your teeth frequently and visit the hygienist regularly to keep your mouth healthy. This will aid in keeping your composite bond clean and stain-free.
  • Biting your nails or chewing on items like pen lids can cause the material to chip. Bonds are not as durable as natural teeth. That is why a patient must observe extra care to avoid dental injuries.

Your composite bond should last for years if you maintain good dental hygiene and have frequent checkups.

Visit Sierra Springs Dental to achieve a more beautiful smile by having composite bonding from your affordable dentist in Edmonton. Call us at 403-945-4555 to book an appointment.

If you are looking for a dentist that offers comprehensive care and a wide array of dental treatments, visit Sierra Springs Dental today! We offer cosmetic dentistry, such as composite bonding, to help you achieve your dream smile. Call us at 403-945-4555 to book an appointment!

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